2010-11 Offseason Questionnaire

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Post by Jburns »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.

Was fairly out of tune with the draft having not had a first pick for the 6th year in a row and my second rounder was so late. Excited to see how Kyrie pans out for RB and the pistons and very curious to see how his stip comes into play.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?

Been very busy personally and didn't have time to make any moves. Offseason was very tame. Would love to compete and be in a similar spot I was in last year, I think the team can beat anyone in the playoffs if the dice roll my way. In order to make it past the second round, I probably need to make some moves, but feel like I'm in a weird bind with the shapes of my current contracts.

3. Thoughts on TC?

Mediocre to bad in Charlotte. The team is getting older and some of the people we've relied on are definitely getting worse. Plus no over the hood changes to Drago which was a bit of a bummer

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: 6ers - can't bet against Lebron!
Central: Pistons! Rooting for my guy RB here. Things looking up in pre-season 2 with a home light scheduled, I think with some DC tweaks he could make a little run.
Midwest: Grizz - think the champs are back
Pacific: Blazers - Think they come out hot and have the D to back it up

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip. Trade demand / demand another specific player is traded. Kyrie will take up roster space but you can't play him until either he is traded or a specific other player is moved.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
RB starting to push those chips in! Excited for the Pistons this year!

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.

Maybe cheating, but my man Yao still has 2 years left on his 12.5 flat - so going to go with him

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s): Extremely excited for baseball season around the corner. I'm super excited by early chatter around Imanaga and if the cubs can fight off scott boras to resign Belli, we're in a great spot! Seems like the perfect year for high expectations met with 75 wins.

Also very excited to have F1 back this week. Curious to see if Merc can turn it around for Lewis to go out on a high. Does Christian Horner get canned for being a perv? Does Adrian Newey figure out zero pod and shove it in Merc's face? Time will tell.

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.
New love is blind season is straight fire - say what you will, I can take it
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Post by mantypas/CavsCzar »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
Kyrie and Kawhi already seem like instant starters and project to be so fucking nasty. I live for sleepers, so was super happy Jan Vesely fell to me at pick 30. I think there were too many wings in this draft so some should not pan out. I thought Knight looked sexy so hope he turns out well if not oh well. Loved the Morris twins connection pick from Pankin.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
Well we took a big swing for Harris and KG and retained a few guys like Chandler and Admunson. Im happy with what I did, traded away all the picks that werent mine and got myself a window to contend this year without my pick and the year after. Then my cap space is clear and my older guys likely retire. We want to compete and break out of the 7 seed we've been destined to be.

3. Thoughts on TC?
Duncan went down 2, but KG and Harris both held the line. Chandler went up to B+ defense which is pretty sweet, and Admunson made a surprise +2 Defense and rebounding jump. Other than that, wish the NDL folks would do a bit more

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: 76ers, them or the bullets, but i think without Big Ben, the bullets take a step back
Central: Cavs- I'd say the bulls but I like betting on myself. If KG can continue to be very good, I should be also, and hope my other scorers can do their part
Midwest: Grizz- they are so fucking good still
Pacific: Jailblazers - tough between them and the sonics, but I think the blazers have such a strong core they get it done

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
Seems like its Jrue holiday, his preseason stats and his rating looks insane. I'd be surprised if he didnt start by the first few sims. IN terms of declines, I'll go with Antawn Jamison, I've been expecting him to stop being so good for years, I think its this year

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
Kyrie will not be able to play road games in different time zones for weeks at a time because of his dumb ass flat earth understanding

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
Gotta be RB going all in and turning the ship with Lou will and BRoy. Thought it was a tad duplicitous with multiple SGs but Lou will can play the 1, and in preseaon 2 it looked like its working so far, so excited to see how it works (hopefully doesnt for the other Central hopefuls). Also surprised to see Jwoo tear it down, but knowing him, he'll be right back into contention shortly

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.
I see a lot of Mccants votes so I am going to go with another SG. Monta Ellis at 10 mil only going up to 15 in like 6 years. What an amazing deal for clint to build around a top 5 SG who just showed TF out in preseason

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
Nova needs to win 4 of the next 6 to have a shot at the tourny. Hate that as a spoiled villanova fan. The redskins I mean washington football team got a head coach and everyone was like WTF is this another Ron Rivera but white? Wizards are still poopy

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.

Finished the first part of the new Invincible season, I forgot to not eat during it the fake cartoon blood still gets me. New true detective has been pretty nutty in a good way, only on episode 5. Also watched the first episodes of the new season of curb, excited for the rest to unfold.
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Post by Matt »

010-11 Offseason Questionnaire

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.

My first pick in like a decade! Paid either a fair amount or too much to move up and take a guy that may have been there at my actual draft spot (Jimmer) but it's fun to have a young guy to root for in camps! We don't really need anything rn so wanted to take a swing on a guy who has high upside - and with some good dice rolls I think Jimmer could be a JJ Redick type. I may or may not have selected him planning to stick him in the NDL without realizing that he was ineligible...oops.

Think Biyombo may be the second coming of Diop, so loved that pick.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?

We didn't have a ton of decisions to make this offseason - got Maggette, Haywood, and Raul back on nice deals. Goal for this season is to get the monkey off my back, but the Central is a complete and utter bloodbath this year.

3. Thoughts on TC?

Meh. Love TP going up to B+ defense, but he was probably on the border anyway. Was hoping to see an obvious "steal" type potential improvement from Jimmer but didn't get it, at least cosmetically. Here's hoping!

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: Bullets. Think the Sheed loss for the Knicks is important, though I'm sure Nav will be itching to push more chips in and try to take advantage of Bosh in his prime.
Central: Bucks. The LMA / KD combo is only gonna keep getting better, and we typically don't have two good seasons in a row.
Midwest: Mavs. This team is fucked cap wise until they get off the Kobe deal, but they still have a ton of fun pieces.
Pacific: Sonics. Death, taxes, and Dirk/Diop

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?

I'm hopeful for RB's sake that Oden takes the next step and becomes a Yao-type game wrecker. Usually as long as your name isn't Tmac when you start regressing you keep regressing, so I think KG may have a disappointing season, but hope I'm wrong for Mantypas' sake

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.

I'm nervous about Kyrie's stip! I think the most likely scenario is that he has a 25% chance of "demanding a trade" each offseason, or something like that. I do think it would be interesting to see him demand a trade by a certain day, and see how that affects the trade market for him with teams knowing that he's going to be on his way out.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?

Pistons going for it! Pumped for RB to finally be excited to check box scores.

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.

Rashad tha God.

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).

NFL draft can't come soon enough. Bulls love the play in more than a fat kid loves cake.

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.

Am watching "The Floor" with a lady friend and while I can't possibly recommend it because it is one of the stupidest shows I've ever watched, it is interestingly the first like serial game show I've ever seen and I am unfortunately invested in the contestants and will be continuing to watch it.

Bonus: add a pic/gif of how you feel about your season
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Post by Tyler »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
I didn't have a pick so I didn't pay too close attention to this draft. However, it was hilarious getting Jesse's big board before the draft and seeing him have IT at 5, then watching IT fall on draft day right into Jesse's lap. Easy to say it was a steal after seeing TC but I liked that pick. I thought Jimmer was a steal where Matt got him. Joe might need to fire his draft scouts after reaching for Knight. Again, hindsight is 20/20 after a TC. I would have taken Himmy Butler 2, because of the kyrie stip.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
It was a busy offseason off the court for me so I havent been as active in the trade market. This could be a blessing in disguise since I have had a tendency to make bad trades recently. I really like the core of this team and I'm not sure why we aren't better. I think we are small moves (and some fucking TC luck for one fucking time) away from being a real contender. Conley is Devin Harris-esque, Redick is a bucket, Gortitties does his job as a butt, Noah "has entered being dubbed 'nice'" according the Joe. Balkman is a fun chess piece. and we were happy to retain MOON this offseason, I think he fits in well. We have enough scorers around him where he just needs to do get stocks and boards. I love him next to K Love at the 4, think they compliment each other well.

Goals are to make the playoffs after a three year hiatus!

3. Thoughts on TC?

We had the worst TC in franchise history. It was absolute pure dog shit. Everyone got worse, no one got better (including Kevin Love). If the dice rolls the other way, we could have been a serious contender to win the division, but think it will be too tall a task after the entire roster decided to go to training camp to learn how to get worse at fake basketball.

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: Knicks -- bet against the Oracle I dare you
Central: Bulls -- Matt retained his guys and he won day 4/5 of FA. Wagner and Jones are sneaky valuable guys to round out an already stacked roster.
Midwest: Grizzlies -- maybe the best team in the league for my money. Champions who didn't seem to get worse this offseason.
Pacific: Blazers. This is the year Jameer takes a dump on the entire league, goes on an insane post season run, and cements himself as PG1 in the league.

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
I haven't dug too deep into TC but going with Steph Curry post SC for best improvement. I think he is on the TB track and will be a cheat code in the playoffs. Would like to see his TOs tick down but his scoring should be absurd for a 3rd year player.

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
The inverse of linsanity. All of his teammates get worse one month a year but he remains good.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?

RB floppin' that hog around! Love to see a newer GM take some shots to get good. I think risk taking is the best way to learn in this league. Look at Hoff!

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.
Yao's contract was the next year and was equally broken as the one's listed so I am going to say him. Oh wait Al Jeff is on the same contract as Yao but has more years of team control left. He should hold out and demand more money or threaten to eat all you can eat 200 wings at BWW's all you can eat boneless Thursdays until he weighs 400 lbs.

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
Well, for the last 7 months, I have said that the only team that can beat the Chiefs is the Chiefs. On 1/1/24, we learned how to not beat ourselves and carried that into the post season. Although we actually tried pretty hard to beat ourselves in the SB, Pat Mahomes is the best mistake eraser I have ever seen. Looking forward to the 3 peat attempt!

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.

I am trying to play some Helldiver 2 as it has blown up on my timeline recently. If anyone has played, would love to hear your take!
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Post by rbrown5192 »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
I got crazy lucky moving up to 2 in the lottery and snagging Kyrie.... or so I thought until his stip kicked in in week one of the season. This will be interesting...

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
Getting Oden back on a big new contract I decided it was time to flip the switch and try winning in Detroit. Still probably a move or two away but excited to be out of the tank.

3. Thoughts on TC?
Kyrie +4 was nice. Oden back up to A potential was great too.

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: Sixers - Lebron
Central: Bulls - looking like another strong season for the runners up
Midwest: Grizz - the champs are back
Pacific: Sonics - rooting for my guys Lowry and Teague in their new home in Seattle

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
a little late as this is post-TC... my bad

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
insane that he's already mucking things up in the first week of the season. I thought he would try to demand a trade or just sit out certain games but didnt expect it to happen immediately in his rookie season. what a mess.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
I think I surprised everyone in flipping the switch in Detroit and frankly may have even surprised myself. We'll see how it all works out, especially with Kyrie being a total wild card, but it's just fun to be trying to win now instead of tanking again.

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.
DWade is looking awesome on a non-max deal!

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
My Pacers are fun but probably going to flame out early in the playoffs since they can't play defense to save their lives. Gotta love Haliburton though - it's actually enjoyable to be a Pacers fan again for the first time in years. United is driving me nuts this season - they're actually on a nice little run of wins right now with the Villa win a couple weeks ago being critical but not fun to watch and destined for mediocrity for the time being.

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.
The new True Detective season is great but I'm still only a few episodes in so no spoilers. I also listened to Three Body Problem on Audible recently and loved it, so getting through the rest of that series too.

Bonus: add a pic/gif of how you feel about your season
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Post by GrundleSauce »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
Couldn't go wrong with any of the top 5! I had Nikola Mirotic and Davis Bertans rated significantly higher than they went, so traded in to try to nab one, and ended up with a new member of the Eastern Bloc! I can't believe Tristan fell all the way to 17. This was a great haul for young Tonger!! Also, I selfishly hope that Jimmer goes down as the SLN GOAT. Please. MJ's lost son deserves it.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
Pretty quiet; Dahntay returning on a five year deal to solidify the core going forward. Korolev back. Grabbed Sweetney from brother Josh to round out the frontcourt. I still need some wing depth I think, but I'm bullish on Korolev giving us good minutes off the bench.

3. Thoughts on TC?
Meh TC in Utah outside of my beautiful Russian son, Yoroslav. Hoping for some under the hood improvement from my guys, and I think it'll happen.

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: 76ers. Lebron is simply undeniable. It's crazy. I even think he's running a suboptimal DC!
Central: Bucks. Bulls will give them a run, but I think the Bucks might be the best team in the league. And they're young!!
Midwest: Grizz. I want to say Jazz, but the Grizz are just too good.
Pacific: SoNicks! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Seattle at the top of the Pacific yet again.

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
I'll be lame and say Steph. The super camp is OP!

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
Kyrie has strangely become terrified of the color red and refuses to travel to any arena that features red on the court or against any team with red in their uniform for the next 42 days.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
I really didn't think Jordo would move Melo. That was incredibly ballsy, and I love it. Great

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.
I'll go Al MFerson on $12.5M a year, which is well below what a true max would warrant, especially post year 7. Two-way force. Crazy good.

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
Heat look fine. We'll wait until the playoffs to judge. I think we can be dangerous.

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.
Watched The Sinner with Kel Kel. Pretty good cultish murder show.
Not a big anime watcher, but Solo Leveling on Crunchyroll is the best anime I've seen in quite a while.
Speaking of which, Demon Slayer has a new movie coming out next week that will probably slap.
Pokemon Master Rahsaan Roland Kirk. Yes.
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Post by Dmo »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
Excited to see how all of these dope current IRL players develop in SLN. Had a boring draft personally, especially when the guys I wanted in the second round got snagged right before my pick.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
Was a very mild offseason for us. A little annoyed with Thad that he was determined to get more money than he was worth. Overall looking forward to seeing how Iggy can fit as a 1-3 super sub after his tumultuous 2010 season.

3. Thoughts on TC?
Didn't see much notable growth but still excited for the coming season. Glad to have this core for another 2-3 seasons and hoping we can get to the promise land this year.

4. Who wins each division and why?
Atlantic: Bullets. Refuse to put myself after our devastating downfall last season. Wes has put together one tough squad, so I see them winning it outright.
Central: Bulls. I think Matt will be able to topple the Hornets this season.
Midwest: Grizz. DWade is only getting better and the rest of the core returning from the championship team has them set to repeat.
Pacific: Sonicks. The Dirk factor is still ever present and Nick continues to build around him. I think they can claim the Pacific this year for sure.

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
Steph will likely show the biggest gains. Idk if this counts, but Iggy needs to prove he aint on the decline anymore.

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
COVID happening in 2020 and Kyrie refusing to get the SLN vaccine.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
The Raptors deciding to "blow it up".

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.

Samuel Dalembert. I have tried to pry this guy away from Matt so many times but have not been able to send the assets to match the value of this contract. I think Willie G is also a great answer but not as much of a star rn as Dally.

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
Sucks Joel got hurt but I loved the moves the Sixers made at the deadline. Also very excited for the Yanks!

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.
Watching Veep with the GF rn and it is so good. JLD is really one of the best "cursors" in modern history.

Bonus: add a pic/gif of how you feel about your season
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Post by bobby »

2010-11 Offseason Questionnaire
Sorry I'm late! Didn't think sim 2 would happen so fast.

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.

Very interested to see how impactful Kyrie's stip shapes out to be throughout his career. Sleeper prediction: Jimmer Fredette.

Was excited to see Vooch pop +1 def and +1 rebounding uncamped. Him falling to me seems like a solid pick up. Should I have grabbed one of the morris bros and made Panks trade for him? Maybe but idk it felt cheap.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?

Was hoping I'd be able to grab some ass in FA but was not successful. Too stingy with my bids. I think I've finally learned that if you have cap, don't get greedy and use it. That's bitten me in the ass the last few FAs. TC was solid for the Clips. Goals: maybe sneak into the 8 seed? Hasn't been a good start to the season and the trade market seems pretty dry. With my current roster, don't see us getting there.

3. Thoughts on TC?

Had a great camp. Demar SC went well ratings wise. Curious to see how it pans out on the court. D Rose's outside popped. Looking for him to make a leap after being meh last year. Vooch +2 uncamped. Overall was quite happy. Although would've liked to see some Brandan Wright improvement after stupidly shelling a supercamp on him. Instead, he regressed. Poor use of 3200 RP.

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: Knicks
Central: Bulls
Midwest: Grizzlies
Pacific: Trailblazers

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?

Late on this one. But without looking at all the TCs/how these guys have done through a first couple sims, I'll say that KG will die, and that Steph Curry will emerge as a top 5 PG.

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.

Kyrie will radicalize his teammates to hold out against covid vaccines. Kyrie and every player on his team will not be able to play basketball games at MSG or Barclays (Prudential Center?) for the entirety of the 21-22 season.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?

Surprised to see the Nuggets exit the tank era but I respect it. Why not? Steph is ready.

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.

I like Al Jefferson at the flat 12.5M.

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).

Bulls are sadness. I hope Arturas slept through the trade deadline accidentally and running back the same roster was not a conscious decision.

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.

Season 2 of break point was a decent light watch. Also enjoyed this season of True Detective despite everyone seeming not to like it. Ending was eh but I enjoyed the season. Crushing Loudermilk right now and I'm loving it. Season 2 of Full Swing is right around the corner and I'm pumped for that.

Bonus: add a pic/gif of how you feel about your season
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Post by Josh »

2010-11 Offseason Questionnaire

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
I love Jimmy. I think there was an argument to take him at #2. He feels like Wade to me.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
Solid offseason. Got to keep Tyson and Tayshaun for another run at it. I am open to making some trade to extend the window but haven't figured out those moves yet.

3. Thoughts on TC?
I was greedily hoping Wade and Jay Will's B potential would lead to further improvement. Maybe something under the hood for Wade has come through as his early volume is silly.

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: Sixers. Lebron is unstoppable
Central: Bulls. Tony Parker and McCants may just shoot their way to a championship. Insane efficiency
Midwest: Grizz! Mavs had a great post season but their point differential during the season was pretty average. I know they will be better this year
Pacific: Sonics. They continue to fuck

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
Kevin Durant becoming the best player in the league?

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
Kyrie will be a supreme anti semite and then get traded to a team owned/GMd by a Jew

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
Pistons going for it. Respect it. Good blueprint from the blazers of getting a superstar big and going big.

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
Was pumped for Sinner winning the Aussie

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.
Masters of the air is pretty good so far. Easy recommend if you liked band of brothers or the pacific

Bonus: add a pic/gif of how you feel about your season
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Post by Nav »

1. Draft thoughts? Sleepers, busts, your draft, other drafts, whatever.
Kinda missed the draft cuz of work but pretty stoked for this top 4. Kawhi is going to be a complete gamewrecker. Fascinated to see how Kyrie's career turns out. Klay already looks awesome and Butler will be great, too.

2. How do you feel about your offseason, and what are your goals for this coming season?
Feel good - kept our rotation intact except for Sheed, who we couldn't keep due to cap constraints. Goal for this season is to compete for the East 1 seed again and try to make some noise in the playoffs.

3. Thoughts on TC?
Bosh looks like he's taken the next step to superduperstar. If he can pair this newfound shooting efficiency/volume with last season's leap in stocks (and his league-best rebounding), I think he could be the best big in SLN. Granger looks like his volume ticked up under the hood. Chauncey held the line. Happy with TC.

4. Who wins each division and why?

Atlantic: Knicks. We've gone back and forth with the Bullets the past few seasons, but think they take a step back with Big Ben retiring and Manu starting to decline from GOAT levels. Sixers should be a threat too but Bron's only won one division title. It's time to ask: is he a winning player?
Central: Bucks. Bulls should also be a major threat, but I'd wager that KD and Aldridge improved this TC and should help this squad continue to ascend.
Midwest: Grizz. Can't fade the defending champs.
Pacific: Blazers. Gotta be Jameer's year.

5. What non-rookie player is going to show the most drastic improvement after camps this season? Who will show the most decline?
Going chalk but gotta be Mr. Stephen Curry. Excited to see him produce post-SC. Early on, it looks like the answer for most decline might be Troy Hudson or Shawn Marion.

6. Come up with a creative "scenario" that will impact Kyrie or his team per his stip.
Ashes' computer is hit with a virus (please don't actually happen) and Kyrie refuses to get vaccinated against the bug. Misses the rest of the season.

7. What was the most surprising move by any team this offseason?
RB going for it. Loved the aggressiveness!

8. All those ridiculous lowball flat contracts for stars (TP, Pau, etc.) that happened because no one decided to have cap space one year are about to expire at the end of this season. I am still mad I was not a beneficiary. What is now the best value contract in the league for that player's impact and why? Can't be a max deal and can't be an expiring.
Rookie deal Steph Curry

9. Thoughts on your real life sports team(s).
Knicks need to get healthy ahead of the postseason. Giants need to draft a WR (and then cut DJ after this season, when he's no longer guaranteed).

10. Movies, TV, books, games, whatever recommendations.
Just watched Society of the Snow. Absolutely insane true story. Worth a watch.

Bonus: add a pic/gif of how you feel about your season

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