GMOTY - 2015-16

BIG NEWS here!

Who should win?

Poll runs till July 6th, 2024, 2:50 pm

Nuggets - Kipke
Spurs - Jordo
No votes
Twolves - Pankin
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Blazers - Quady
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Kings - Jesse
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Mavs - Hoff
Jazz - Ralph
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Rockets - Nolan
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Nets - Steven
Bucks - Derek
No votes
Celtics - Joe
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Bulls - Matt
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Raptors - Jwoo
Pistons - RB
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Pacers - Tonger
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Hawks - Heimer
Total votes: 24

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GMOTY - 2015-16

Post by Joe »

GMs have until Saturday, July 6 to vote (pretty sure that means when the clock strikes midnight, so it's more like EOD Friday 7/5). If you like, you may refer to the results of the leaguewide survey that I someone put out on GMOTY criteria.

-Anyone who votes gets 100 RPs.
-GMs get an additional 200 RPs for posting in this thread and advocating on behalf of a GM. Do not advocate on behalf of yourself!
-Do not vote for yourself.

Things to Consider:

-GM proactivity and creativity
-Success in drafting, trades, FA signings, general team building
-Production in the form of wins, losses and team stats
-Delta in team performance from year to year (or in this case, from draft to end of regular season).

Winner Gets:

-1,000 RPs
-Ability to add or subtract a year to any player's contract on your team. Must be done within one season.


-If any two GMs are tied in 1st place in voting, we will do a ranked-choice procedure for them + anyone within 2 votes of the leader to determine the winner.
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Post by tonger »

Voted for Steven. Think he should get massive credit for the patient rebuilding job and series of smart trades of starter quality players (granger, redick, ilyasova, louwill) to build around his young core.

Runners up imo were
- Jesse for another stellar reloading job
- Joe for a series of great trades to turn his season around
- Heimer for the huge KD move

Great season all!
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Voted for Heimer, the KD trade is an instantly-iconic move and a historic SLN moment. The vision on Tyreke Evans counts here, too, and he went from a .500 team to perhaps the scariest squad in the East rn

Runners up: Woo for getting so much out of such a weird roster; Jesse for continuing to reload and form competitive teams; Tonger for being the best new GM imaginable in such a short time

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Post by Kipke »

My vote went to Heimer. He hung the big ol hog out there for all to see by paying up for a superstar in KD, and the move just may have put him over the top. I think if Tyreke hadn’t broken out this szn that it would’ve been a optimistic to push the chips in, but with the Reke breakout into superstardom, i like how Heimer was able to get a two-headed dragon on board

I’m not one to give a GMOY vote for a retool/teardown, but i do think the GM on the other side of the KD deal Derek did a pretty nice job this year sneaking into the back end of the playoffs while restocking the war chest and shipping off 3 superstar level players.

Also considered voting for Jesse for once again shaking up his team (AK + LMA is dope!) and once again winning the pacific.
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Post by SoNicks »

I voted for heimer and then I put an explanation about why here in the chat. I supported with numbers, like this 12/49/69. I also mentioned how heimer continually ghosts me playing baldurs gate but I’m not sure how that applies.
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Post by Matt »

Voted for Heimer. As someone who was in the KD sweepstakes I think Heimer did an awesome job of not only getting KD, but giving an offer good enough in Derek's eyes that he didn't even consider countering/using the other offers as leverage. I don't know if Heimer gave up all that much to acquire KD given Beal's contract situation and mid-ness, so while those later Hawks picks may be good for Derek, I think Heimer did a lot to give himself some real bites at the apple and get himself out of the 6-7-8 seed cycle.

Don't think Heimer's campaign is one of the best GMOTY campaigns we've ever seen, but also don't think this is a particularly close race - awesome season from Raps and Nets but not sure if there were moves made this season that warrant GMOTY consideration, think Joe has a case for the Crawford trade given in season improvement (and boards marketing),
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Post by Nav »

voted for heimer. thought the KD move was great value for him and timed really well with Tyreke's breakout, especially since contention windows aren't open forever

jwoo, steven, jesse, and joe all had really nice seasons as well (from a GMOTY perspective) but heimer wins out for me
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Post by rbrown5192 »

I voted for Heimer too. The Hawks look awesome with KD and I’m terrified to face them in Round 2. Awesome job by Heimer to execute the big trade and turn the team into a contender.
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Post by Merv »

I want to preface this eventual vote and advocacy with what is becoming a monthly soapbox. I think this award is extremely unclear as to what is actually being considered to evaluate a candidate. It seems to some, it’s did you swing some big trade at any point of the year, which in this case seems to have nothing to do with skill of negotiation and more about did you have the toys a GM liked most. To others, it is a question of YoY improvement and expectations. Finally, to relatively none, it seems patience and development isn’t considered at all. It feels like every month this “award” leads to an immense amount of consternation, public and private campaigning, and even historical campaigning against folks.

Heimer, you made the biggest trade. Derek liked your stuff the most and you landed a superstar. You also acknowledged an early weakness and acquired Pierce to fix that before flipping him for Durant. Tyreke is better than I ever thought he’d be and like I said in private, your patience there should be commended. Joe, you probably had the second best trade, but tree cannibalization here.

Jwoo and Pankin, you both had insane deltas and vastly improved. Woo had four new starters, acquired Yaro in a heist, brought in Faried on the MLE, brought Perk to his rightful home in the 6, and bet on organic development of Adams, Otto Porter, and Gordon to carry you while also continuing to stockpile assets for a future mega trade. Pankin relied on good old fashioned player development in Minnesota then made an absolutely brilliant acquisition in Tony Allen for just 100 RP. Tony is the perfect 2 with this squad and the salary is inconsequential for Pankin. You’ve bet on guys I never would’ve in Brook and Monroe and it has worked. All the props to you.

Finally, with just constant improvement or sustained excellence, you have Matt and Ralph. Very public BFFLs, so it makes sense they’d both be stubborn when people tell them their team construction has reached and maybe passed its prime. They have believed in their core more than anyone else and remain just damn good. That patience and belief is commendable when the alternative can be trading just to trade and taking on a horrendous contract for potential 4 day gratification.

So now that I’ve written my novel and gotten a lot of nonsense out in this public forum. I abstain from voting out of principle and vote for the abolishment of GMOTY.
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Post by mantypas/CavsCzar »

I voted Steven. He made that big Lou will trade last year and got a big resigning, and made some other moves in +, and most importantly for a young team, stayed patient and dint make any crazy moves and relied on the vision. Big shoutouts to Heimer for the KD acquisition, Joe for making some moves to jump to the top of the east, Jesse for continuously cycling guys in and out and maintaining top poll position in the west, and Derek staying a playoff team after the KD trade and pushing the nets to 7. Really all playoff teams deserve props

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