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Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 2:50 pm
by scoops
Duncan / Sampson / May
Bogut / Sampson / May
Thompson / Allen / Francis
Wade / Allen / Francis
Lillard / Francis / Allen

1. Swift
2. Marbury
3. Burks

1. Wade
2. Klay
3. Bogut

Pace: Fast
Trap: Normal
Press: Often
Offense: Outside

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 2:58 pm
by Hoff

Kanter / Kleber / Whiteside
Roberson / Kleber / Thompson
Gomes / D-Will / Hairston
Clarkson / D-Will / Hairston
MCW / D-Will / Jrue

1. Gomes
2. MCW
3. Clarkson

Focus: Outside
Press: Normal
Trap: Normal
Pace: Very Fast

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 3:10 pm
by mantypas/CavsCzar
Cavs Pre

Noel / Sullinger / Robinson
Stoudamire/Robinson / Sullinger
Crowder /Lavine / Lewis
Barnes / Lavine / Curry
Lin / sato / Curry

IR - Napier, 2 vet mins

1. Barnes
2. Lavine
3. crowder

Focus: Outside
Press: Normal
Trap: Normal
Pace: Very Fast

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 3:27 pm
by Dmo
Dalembert / Hawes / Nene
PP / Hawes / Clack
LeBron / Clack / Odom
Green / Clack / Odom
Hinrich / Clack / Payton

IR: Splitter, Villanueva

1. LeBron
2. PP
3. Clack

Pace: Very Fast
Trap: Normal
Press: Normal
Focus: Outside

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 3:30 pm
by nolan
C: Curry / Lee / Vasquez
PF: Blake / Lee / Vasquez
SF: Diaw / Roy / Wright
SG: Aminu / Roy / Wright
PG: Rondo / Roy / Ford


1. Roy
2. Blake
3. Curry

Pace: Normal
Trap: Sometimes
Press: Sometimes
Focus: Inside

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 4:02 pm
by tonger

Deron / Hart / Korolev
Jimmy / Korolev / Hart
Jerebko / Korolev / Jones
TMac / Tristan / Jones
Bosh / Tristan / Jones

IR: Mack, McGee, Drummond

Scoring options:
1. Jimmy
2. TMac
3. Bosh

Pace - Very fast
Trap - sometimes
Pressure - often
Offense Focus - Balanced

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 4:22 pm
by quady

C: Horford / Powe / Howard
PF: Yi / Powe / Smith
SF: Johnson / Bargnani / Dunleavy
SG: Redd / Gordon / West
PG: Dooling / Gordon / West

IR: Kelly, Mozgov, Nelson

1. Horford
2. Redd
3. Gordon

Pace: Very Fast
Trap: Often
Pressure: Often
Offense: Outside

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 8:17 pm
by Clinton
Warriors Pre2: We have a lot of ex IRL Bucks players

C: Sanders / Pelle / Blatche
PF: Chandler /Pelle / Blatche
SF: Parker / Hendo / Simmons
SG: Harris / RIP / Crabbe
PG: Bayless / RIP / Shved

IR(up to 3): Bjeli, Allen

1) Tobias
2) Bayless
3) Parker

Pace - Very Fast
Trap - Often
Press - Often
Offensive Focus - Outside

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 14th, 2024, 10:14 pm
by Wes
C: Seraphin/Amundson/G Wall
PF: Johnson/Mihm/G Wall
SF: Thompson/Teletovic/G Wall
SG: Martin/Diamantidis/Udrih
PG: Paul/Diamantidis/Udrih

IR: Scola, Sims, Manu

1) CP3
2) Martin
3) Diamontidis

Pace- Very Fast
Focus - Outisde
Press - Normal
Trap - Normal

Preseason #2 DCs

Posted: May 15th, 2024, 11:11 am
by Derek
C: LaMarcus Aldridge / Festus Ezeli / Joel Przybilla
PF: Kevin Durant / Jeff Green / Festus Ezeli
SF: Ersan Ilyasova / Jeff Green / Thabo Sefolosha
SG: Jason Richardson / Reece Gaines / Thabo Sefolosha
PG: Gilbert Arenas / Thabo Sefolosha / Patty Mills


1. Kevin Durant
2. Jason Richardson
3. Ersan Ilyasova

Pace: Very Fast
Trap: Often
Press: Never
Focus: Outside