Sim #10 (66-70)

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Post by heimer »

Derek wrote: May 28th, 2024, 4:22 am Not sure what the RP / ratings inflation impact will be tho
inflation worries are just that… worries. i worry about a spider crawling up my ass every night and yet it’s never happened. joe worries about his short hamstrings and yet it’s never impacted his ability to wear heels. i love these little games we have within the big game - the frenzies. i personally didn’t have time to take advantage but it’s all for the spirit of the game and most of all FUN. bad players have increased value. better players get shipped off for less. did someone say parity?!
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Post by Derek »

Derek wrote: May 28th, 2024, 4:20 am BUT I def think the frenzy was a positive overall, lots of movement
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Post by Matt »

My only suggestion - I kinda wish the frenzies had no rules/eligibility requirements and each trade was solely up to Ashes' discretion as to whether or not it counts. I don't think there's a ton of positive that comes from, for example, the joffrey lauvergne for allen crabbe deal, but given the rules of the frenzy, that's totally kosher (not at all knocking people for making those trades, I made them too).

Definitely get why the eligibility rules are helpful but I do kinda think we can trust Ashes to use his judgment and think that most trades that would fit would be "you know it when you see it" types of deals, and think we may see better, more substantial trades if people aren't spending time and brainpower figuring out the path of least resistance to get to 5 trades (or however many the goal is)

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