Clips wants

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Clips wants

Post by bobby »

Looking for solid 2nd stringers. Probably a backup PG and a backup 2/3. Hmu would love to get some depth before the season starts 630-272-4548. Would probably be trading expiring poo players to match +rp or a pick depending on the quality of players
Last edited by bobby on May 18th, 2024, 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bobby »

Also will put Fournier on here if anyone wants to super camp him. Will part with him for very cheap
Last edited by bobby on May 18th, 2024, 9:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bobby »

Bump. Let’s trade before season starts
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Post by bobby »

Apologies to everyone I didn’t respond to over the frenzy I was on a trip and wasn’t looking at sln. Would like to move gortat before end of season for anyone that needs a premier stock man let’s chat tmrw
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Post by Merv »

Back from France and ready to wheel and deal.
LET BOBBEH COOOOOOOOOOOOOK some escargot and baguettes on ya asses
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Post by jwoo »

Last time I was in Paris I traded for Terrell Brandon

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