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New Board Features/Guide

Posted: January 14th, 2024, 10:06 pm
by ashes
New features/info for the new forums!

Board Features:

-Dark Mode. It'll invert the colors of the forum to give you a dark mode.
-The official SLN clock! Towards the top right of the forum you will see a clock set to the board time. Might be useful for leftover FA pandemonium, who knows.
-Collapsible forum categories. Click the “-/+” symbol to the far right of each category header to collapse/expand that category.
-Quick Links: Top Left Corner you can choose Quick Links and select Unread/New/Active posts to take you to a separate page displaying the newest threads. Sadly I don't think this will display it in the new post format that some of you crazies use in proboards, and I'll continue to search for a solution to that.
-Newest Posts: To go along with the above, I have a section at the bottom of the forum index that will display the 5 most posts
-You will have a (x) on tab of your web browser displaying the # of new notifications you have where x=# of notifications. You will see the Notification tab in the top right of the Forum Index next to Pms and your profile.
-SLN CHAT! One of the coolest features, we have our own dynamic chat/messaging interface. You'll see a blue chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the boards. It will display who is online. You can send people individual messages like Messenger app and speak privately, or you can hop in one of the Chat Rooms and speak publicly with everyone! This is currently desktop only, but if it's a feature we all love and use frequently, we can upgrade it to not only work on mobile, but also add extra features such as animated gifs, video chat/calls, etc.

Profile Features:

There are a number of things you can set/change in your profile settings:

-Avatar freedom. Right now set to 1024x1024, which is pretty damn big, and it should re-size it decently. This can be adjusted in any way if we have issues. Should get squared away as more people set their avatars.
-There is a spot for you to link your team roster. You can just use the link, or you can get fancy with it and do a dynamic url (IE it will say Atlanta Hawks and you can click it to take you to the url). This will display on your small profile that you see when posting.
-There is a spot for status, like on proboards which will display a small message below your avatar in your small profile.
-You can use BBCode in your profile fields.
-Under Board Preferences in your profile you can set the color of the digital clock, change font size for the board globally, set your timezone, date/time format, change your notification settings, and set your auto draft settings.
-Also under Board Preferences, you can enable max width if you are on a super wide monitor.
-Friend or Foe: I'll be honest, it probably doesn't have much use for a small user base like ours, but you can set people to friend which will highlight their messages. Foe will hide their messages (Don't use this please). It's probably a cool feature for massive forums, but sadly not needed here.

Posting Features:

-If you hover over a post, it will show a short preview of that post
-Clean BBCode interface. There is no longer a separate preview/BBCode tab. This may take some getting used to, but trust me, getting rid of the preview tab is a net positive. No more copying Depth Charts and pasting them into preview and then wondering why the heck the format is so trash with a billion spaces and line breaks!
-Play around with the BBCode icons/hover above them to get a feel for what they do. They are mostly the same as the ones used in proboards, with a few changes (for example the page align code). There are features such as embedding videos, soundcloud pods, creating tables with BB (alternatively Excel tables will now automatically embed in posts)
-Imgur hosting! SLN has its own imgur album that you can upload and pull from directly on the boards. You will find the tab for imgur next to the Options/Attachments tabs towards the bottom of creating a new post.
-Tagging users in posts is easier, just type the @ in the reply box and it will pull up a list of applicable users when you type the first and subsequent letters (don't think this works in quick reply)
-When viewing the topics in a forum, if you click the # under “Replies” for a particular topic, it will show you who posted and how many posts they have in that topic.
-Auto draft saving! When typing a post, the forum will automatically save a draft every 20 secs. You can also manually save multiple drafts. Never worry about losing a long tradeblock, article, etc post again! You can load saved drafts as well.
-Thanks! It's the same as Likes with some extra features. It's okay, nothing special. Getting it to display at the top instead of the bottom would be great, but will take a lot of manual work on my end, so I don't know if/when I'll get to it.
-Lightbox: Automatically re-sizes all images to 300x300 (This can be changed if we want). You will see a light blue outline surrounding all posted images allowing you to click the re-sized image and open up the full-size image in a clean, overlay window.
-Quoting a large post will now re-size the quote to a more reasonable sized box with a built in scroll up/down. (You can disable this in User Profile > Board Preferences > Edit Display Options)

Moderator Settings:

-This will take a little bit getting used to, even for me, but it's functionally the exact same, with a more detailed look. Instead of having a small integrated moderator tool that you access while viewing the forum, you have a Moderator Control Panel that you should see in the top left corner of the forums (If you are a moderator). When you access the MCP while viewing a particular board, you will be able to access the moderator tools such as delete/move/lock/sticky for all the posts in that particular forum. This is for mass selection. You will still be able to moderate individual posts inside the particular thread by accessing the Quick Mod tools icon at the bottom of the thread.

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 11:42 am
by ashes

-Quick Links: Top Left Corner you can choose Quick Links and select Unread/New/Active posts to take you to a separate page displaying the newest threads. Sadly I don't think this will display it in the new post format that some of you crazies use in proboards, and I'll continue to search for a solution to that.
-Newest Posts: To go along with the above, I have a section at the bottom of the forum index that will display the 5 most posts
-You will have a (x) on tab of your web browser displaying the # of new notifications you have where x=# of notifications. You will see the Notification tab in the top right of the Forum Index next to Pms and your profile.

No, it doesn't show by posts, but clicking the red icon next to the thread (indicating unread/new posts in a thread) it takes you directly to the first unread post in a thread. Yes, it's an extra step. I apologize, it's the best I can do.

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 3:40 pm
by Joe
One tip - our PM inboxes hold a total of 50 messages (not 50 threads) - so I went to Rules in my PMs and created a new folder so that in case there is overflow before I clean out my inbox, I can have messages automatically go there

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 5:03 pm
by ashes
Oh I can probably change that, had very little PM testing obv

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 5:04 pm
by ashes
Fixed that. No need to worry about PM limits now.

Though the folder thing is still cool

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 5:11 pm
by ashes
Also, I think the chat function may be better than PMs anyways. The private chat between two users should be stored permanently as well

Just an extra option!

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 5:32 pm
by Merv
I think it’ll need to be on mobile considering how many people are apparently mobile only

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 5:39 pm
by ashes
Just click desktop mode, it brings chat up. I’m on my phone right now

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 6:25 pm
by Merv
ashes wrote: February 11th, 2024, 5:39 pm Just click desktop mode, it brings chat up. I’m on my phone right now
Where would that button be? Asking for a friend 😅

New Board Features/Guide

Posted: February 11th, 2024, 6:29 pm
by ashes
Merv wrote: February 11th, 2024, 6:25 pm
ashes wrote: February 11th, 2024, 5:39 pm Just click desktop mode, it brings chat up. I’m on my phone right now
Where would that button be? Asking for a friend 😅
Wherever your mobile browser has it as an option lol