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2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 6th, 2024, 7:25 am
by Concepts of a Plan
Reward Camps happen right before TC and are inputted manually by ashes. We're getting this thread posted now so people can start thinking about how they want to spend their camps.

You should aim to have these posted 1-2 days after the draft is completed. If you're not in the playoffs, you basically have a full week to get these posted, so PLEASE don't wait until the last minute! Remember, you can always post your first pass and then edit it as many times as you want up until ashes inputs the camps. I'd recommend posting your existing team's camps now while you have time, and then adding in any new draftees after the draft.

Take a look at last year's camps thread for examples on the format! REMEMBER TO LIST PREVIOUS ATTRIBUTES CAMPED IN YOUR POSTS.

This is the thread for NDL PLAYERS ONLY. Post only NDL players camps here with your total RP spend, just as you would in the regular thread. How do you know what thread a guy goes in? If he's on your SLN roster right now, he goes in SLN - if he's on your NDL roster, he goes in this one.

Reward Camp Rules

Reward Camps take place right before Training Camp to simulate conscious improvements over the summer.

• A player who goes through normal camp progression (e.g., not supercamped) may be upgraded by up to 24 total points in his career, across all categories. No player is allowed to be upgraded by more than 8 total points in one singular category during his career.
• Players are limited to +8 in total upgrade points during each of their first four off-seasons (experience level: 0,1,2,3); they are limited to +6 in upgrade points in all off-seasons thereafter. In any individual off-season, you can distribute these points how you wish as long as you abide by all other guidelines!
• For players showing experience level 0,1,2 or 3 on their player page, upgrades cost 100 RPs per rating increase
• For players with 4 years of experience or more, upgrades cost 200 RPs per rating increase
• Once a player reaches 30-years-old, or 10+ years of experience, whichever comes first, he may not be eligible for upgrades.

Governing All Camps

-Attributes that have already reached the 85+ threshold in a rating may not be camped. When posting camps, all GMs must include a "backup" attribute should a player have an 85+ rating in a given category. If a player is close to this threshold, he will still receive his full camp (e.g., if you give a player with 83 jump shot a +6, he will be pushed to an 89 and not limited by the threshold itself). Upgrades will not be inputted if a player is over-85 and no backup attribute is given, so please be proactive if you plan on camping a guy with a really high letter rating.

-A team may not spend more than 4,800 RPs on Reward Camps for players on their ACTIVE ROSTER in a given off-season. A team may spend an additional 1,600 RPs on Developmental League prospects during the off-season.


PLAYER NAME:: +?? Attribute X, +?? Attribute Y, +?? Attribute Z
(Previous camp history: list off camps from previous seasons)
*Note to Ashes on what to camp in event your player has exceeded the 85-point threshold*


COST (years of experience) = Amount of Attributes Camped X Cost Per Point based on years of experience

Attributes You Can Camp:

Inside [improves volume and FG%; impacts on public rating: Inside Scoring]
Strength [improves FG% and defense; impact on public rating: Inside, Rebounding, Defense]
Jumping [doesn't do much; impact on public rating: Inside]
Jump Shot [improves FG% and FT%; impact on public rating: Outside]
Three Point Shot [improves 3pt%; impact on public rating: Outside]
Handles [limits turnovers; impact on public rating: Handling]
Passing [increases assists - and TOs!!; impact on public rating: Handling]
Quickness [increases volume but can also increase TOs a bit; impact on public rating: Handles, Defense]
Perimeter D [limits opponent's outside shooting; impact on public rating: Defense]
Post D [limits opponent's inside scoring; impact on public rating: Defense]
Drive D [doesn't do much; impact on public rating: Defense]
Steals [increases Steals; impact on public rating: Defense]
Blocks [increases Blocks; impact on public rating: Defense]
Defensive Rebounding [limits opponent's Boards; impact on public rating: Rebounding]
Offensive Rebounding [Increases boards; impact on public rating: Rebounding]

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 6th, 2024, 7:31 am
by Concepts of a Plan
Dorian Finney-Smith
+8 Jumpshot
Prev: +8 3pt
If >85: Steals, Strength, Quickness
8 x 100 (2 YOS): 800 RP

Monte Morris
+8 3PT
prev: N/A
If >85: JS, Inside
8 x 100 (1 YOS) 800 RP

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 6th, 2024, 9:11 am
by SoNicks
no camps

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 6th, 2024, 2:01 pm
by Clinton
Santa Cruz Warriors 2018 Camps:

TBD but atm none

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 9th, 2024, 10:45 am
by Wes
Bullets/Go-Go NDL Camps:

Dennis Smith Jr: +8 Jumpshot
Previous: +8 Inside
If > 85: 3pt
Cost (1yr) 8x100rp: 800rp

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 9th, 2024, 3:32 pm
by jwoo
Josh Jackson: +4 inside scoring, +4 handling
Previous: +8 jump shot
Not gonna be over 85
Cost: 800 RP

NDL total 800 RP

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 9th, 2024, 7:19 pm
by Hoff
No ndl camps

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 10th, 2024, 12:20 pm
by mantypas/CavsCzar
Cavs NDL Camp
OG Anunoby - +2 steals, + 4 inside
If above, strength, per D, JS
Previous - + 6 steals
Cost (1 year exp) - 600 RP

Total NDL - 600 RP

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 10th, 2024, 12:24 pm
by pacers
Pacers / Mad Ants camps:

No NDL camps

2018 NDL Reward Camps

Posted: September 11th, 2024, 9:30 am
by Joe
Maine Celtics

Willie Cauley Stein: +4 Off Reb, +4 Def Reb - recalled
If >85: +8 of the other rebounding
Previous: +8 blocks, +4 Off Reb, +4 Def Reb
Cost: 800RP (exp 3)

Total: 800