2010-11 Team Awards

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2010-11 Team Awards

Post by Joe »

TL;DR - free RPs for a quick post!

Sorry boys, a little late on these this year so we can make the completion deadline by like Sim 2 of this coming season.

Every year, every GM's got his studs and it's duds, his craftiest moves and most embarrassing flops. For 75RPs, fill out the answers to the following questions and post it in the thread - think of these as your post-season Dundies, awarding each of the first 4 to players on your team, and then reflect on some of the key moments from your year. Post these whenever! Offseason questionnaire will be posted later on.

Once you've posted, DO NOT claim your RP in the RP thread - we will calculate at the end.








"It's great to see the Celtics doing well again, 'cause that was so much fun in my day to go to the Boston Garden and get spit at, get things thrown at you and talk about your mom. It sounds like dinner at Kenny Smith's house."
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Post by Merv »

I’d probably have to go with Elton Brand. He was mildly efficient while averaging a double double with 4 stocks. We had a very balanced team last season that was more about the sum of its parts than any individual performance.

Andrew Bogut. He ranked top ten in both rebounds and blocks per game. He led the league in blocks per game from around day 35-90 before a late season dip dropped him. Our defense completely changed after acquiring the man from down under.

Yi Jianlian. He went from being a role player to a main offensive option and responded with surprising efficiency and production. Not the most insane scorer or anything, but his jump from 5th starter to potential real guy was really nice.

Michael Redd. He’s what Crawford and Lou Will are in real life. Michael Redd just cooks reserves while functioning as a #1 option.

Being good after trading all of my players. I expected to be pretty bad and convey a top 8 pick to Detroit but somehow it all gelled for a playoff appearance.

Starting the year like absolute trash and giving up 130 points per game. Felt like Jermaine took some real under the hood steps back and our bench lineup was poorly assembled by me.

It’s gotta be the Elton Brand deal. The improvement from JO to Elton was pretty significant, especially as the team needed an offensive weapon. Getting Michael Redd to be 6th man likely solidified the 8 seed so that’s probably second.

Being complacent. I liked my team comp coming into the year but looking back with hindsight, I wish I would’ve moved Dahntay, Jermaine, and Hart in the offseason to retool versus needing to blow the whole thing up to get the most value
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Post by SoNicks »

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Dirk - hes the worlds greatest. hes the star up in the sky. hes the mountain peak up high.

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: diop - hes the worlds greatest dinner. hes the plop up in the sky. hes the mountain cheek up high.

MOST IMPROVED: Jamal Sampson - balled out in the playoffs. He has twice the volume of volume and barely more TOs. i ask you... whats really the difference between Plop and Samsung?

SIXTH MAN: PP! poopy pants is a HOFer honestly.

BIGGEST SURPRISE: That Spurs tanked and then got Kawhi.

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Playoff injuries strike again! FeelsSadgeMan

TRADE/ACQUISITION OF THE YEAR: Andre Millers RP Buyout. Fuck that guy.

REGRETS: letting dirk get CTE
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Post by Derek »

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Kevin Durant - 30 ppg on 50/39/85, 8.5 rebounds, 3.8 stocks... he's good

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Kwame Brown - he was literally DPOY

MOST IMPROVED: Kevin Durant - went from solid wing to one of the best in the league

SIXTH MAN: Ersan Ilyasova - nearly took us to the Finals as backup 1-2-3 after being buried in the lineup playing mostly PF minutes

BIGGEST SURPRISE: Melvin Ely - great minutes for an LLE



REGRETS: No Ragerts
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Post by mantypas/CavsCzar »


MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Toss up between plenty of folks, but I'll go with Ben Gordon, was the engine of the offense and helped us win some games during a tough retooling year.

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Since Duncan wasn't on the team the whole year, I'll go with Lou Amundson. He put up 2.0 stocks in limited minutes. Going to get the third big role all year round so let's see if that works out, second goes to Tony Allen, who was an amazing perimeter defender for me all seaason until I traded his ass

MOST IMPROVED: IDK tbh, not too much improvement id say Marc Gasol when I moved him to PF, got dudes fouled out

SIXTH MAN: Adam Morrison turned into one when I acquired him, shoutout to the OG sixth man of Ben Gordon before all of the moves

BIGGEST SURPRISE: Adam Morrison and Wilson Chandler showing juice - late season acquisitions who with playing time showed could get to the line and put up some points

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: No TC improvements from young guys like Josh smith and Gasol. I thought with some internal improvements we couldve been at least a fiesty 8 seed but things dont always work out with the dice rolls

TRADE/ACQUISITION OF THE YEAR: Tim Duncan cuz it happened during the season, but the Harris and KG trade was the biggest one going forward hopefully putting this team into instant contention

REGRETS: Not drafting Eric Bledsoe, complete oversight assuming he'd be taken. James Anderson should hopefully be ok, but Eric Bledsoe has already been proven to be a top prospect in the NDL
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Post by Joe »


Super Cool Beas. Sure, he didn't have a ton of help, but 29 and 8 is 29 and 8! Dude likes to shoot the rock.

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: DJ. After his monster +4 camp, DJ's ass grew substantially. Cmon get up, get down with the THICCness. Just a hair under 3:1 stock to TO, would love to see him eclipse that this year.

Beasley. The jump from 24 a game on bad efficiency to 29 a game on solid efficiency was a monster one! I now know he's on the cusp of B+/A- outside so I'm hoping he gets there in the next couple camps.

SIXTH MAN: I mean we tanked, So I guess it was Thornton? We really only had 5 playable guys.

BIGGEST SURPRISE: Jermareo Davidson being a quality starter! He was a random second round pick so it's nice to see he's got a little wiggle to him.

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Dropping from 3 to 6 in a 5 player draft. Seems like a pretty cavernous gap between Kemba and Brandon Knight, who may already go down as the worst first rounder picked in our franchise history.

TRADE/ACQUISITION OF THE YEAR: Not really anything. Shipped out a bunch of depth pieces for some shekels on the side.

Losing the tank tiebreaker to the Nets! Would have had #5 and been very happy.
"It's great to see the Celtics doing well again, 'cause that was so much fun in my day to go to the Boston Garden and get spit at, get things thrown at you and talk about your mom. It sounds like dinner at Kenny Smith's house."
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Post by Clinton »

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Monta Ellis (All-Star, 3rd Team All SLN): In a year where I lacked depth in numerous areas, Monta tried his best to will my team to the playoffs. Setting new all time numbers in FG/FGA/FT/FTA/3P/3PA/3P%/REB/ASS/PPG. Dude was chucking it at an absurd rate and averaged 36.0mins a game. We wouldve been lost without him and i appreciate how well he handled my ineptitude as GM.

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Brook Lopez: Slightly beating out Deng and Monta for DPOY, Brook Lopez was avg 3 STOCKS per game before his gruesome leg injury(stats are eschewed bc i played him the last sim). He was rounding into a legit shot changer in the paint. Deng's defensive chops at the three do not go unnoticed though. Regularly being a pest for 3pt shooters league wide, he is our defensive captain until someone takes the mantle. Lopez seems poised to do so and i am hoping Deng won't let it go so easily.

MOST IMPROVED/BASSIEST SURPRISE: BASSY Telfair: Every category except FT% this man improved by leaps and bounds. Yea, he mightve had some juice before but holy shit i never thought he would keep his shooting %s so high with going from a backup to a legit starter. It makes me kick myself for not trying him out sooner. I am extremely happy in what he has turned into since I traded for him and love having Bassy in Golden State. Keep growing King.

SIXTH MAN: Vonilla Wafer: Until someone has the ability to take the mantle, Von Wafer IS the Warriors 6th man. I think i wrongly tried to use him as a CG instead of a 2/3 sub last year and it hurt his play. He did it though, admirably...per usual. I could never ask more from him and he regularly balls on starters and bench players a like. Von Wafer is truly amazing, thank you Jesse for building him.

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Travis Outlaw/Luol Deng: Ever since i traded for Travis, he hasn't been the same defensive player he was in Boston. The injury last year really knocked the wind out of my sails as well. Maybe he wasn't the right fit, but hey, last year was last year and I believe in him to be that guy that helped Boston win a ring again. Deng is someone who can go 3/11 shooting on the night, all while pulling in 9 rebounds and not turning it over, thats who he is, thats why i love him. Yet with the improvements he showed after TC last year i thought he was going to be a true two-way-feva against opponents. I thought, leave him in the same role that got him there and all will be fine, boy was I wrong. I truly think its all my fault forcing him to shoot threes and not having a reliable backup but I dont believe all is lost. New year for Deng and Outlaw, time to put the disappointment behind us and become juggernauts.

TRADE/ACQUISITION OF THE YEAR: For me, it was the trades not made. All year, poked and prodded by the vulchers either trying to lead me to a rebuild or trading away assets. I was extremely close numerous times but i felt like overall i had positioned myself well to stay in the middle for one last year. The team kept getting hurt at the wrong times and I played a bunch of tankers early on that boosted my win total. Changing drastically in a down year, right after making the playoffs would have made my depth disappear or put me right back where I started in 2004. All the what-ifs won't matter anymore once the first sim starts. I bided my time and annoyed A LOT of people, can't wait to see whether I was right or wrong.

REGRETS: Not creating enough content, shits about to be beyond sketchy. DEF-CON 5 levels of being poor. Other than that NONE! Simming and learning daily and thats whats up.
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Post by heimer »

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Kris Humphries - the premier boardman with a badonkadonk. Hump made the greatest impact on our team by far and his absence was felt when he tore his hammy.

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Josh Smith. His defense puts our team over the top on occasion. Smiths TOs take away from how good he really is.

MOST IMPROVED: Andy Vaj. Andy is and was a great utility backup/starter. per 36: 12 rebounds and 2:1 stock:TO ratio. Andy might be getting some serious playing time this season.

SIXTH MAN: JR. JR just needed some minutes! He put up a great line since coming over to the Hawks - ending the season around 47%.

BIGGEST SURPRISE: Trading Gortat. I didn't think I'd trade him - but it seems he didn't have a huge impact winning us games. But 4:1 stock guys are very hard to find and the stuff I got back wasnt great value, but everyone in this league is so damn cheap. All anyone would offer is "ehh he shoots it too much" and then offers a shit first. Tyler gave me the best offer and he had the least. CMON MAN.

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: FINDING OUT HOW CHEAP EVERYONE IS. it's a sad state of affairs. everyone borderline competing in SLN while competing for "best low-ball offer award"

TRADE/ACQUISITION OF THE YEAR: Trading for Frye back. I love me some Channing Frye. If i still had Wilson Chandler hed be chandlerfryehandler. RIP. Frye gives me extra comfort as a coach. His versatility allows team building to be more fluid.

REGRETS: Trading Gortat? Not writing more articles. I hopefully can find the time to write 5 articles / do 5 pods (hopefully sober) / and a single presser. MY BOYS NEED THAT RP
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Post by Jordo »

MOST VALUABLE PLAYER: Melo, not his most efficient year but just so much fun watch him put up the offensive numbers he did.

DEFENSIVE PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Malik Allen, stocky king, someone trade for him

MOST IMPROVED: The Melo/Crawford backcourt pair. Seemed like they figured it out on the offensive side of the ball. Honerable mention was Amare at the 3 who was all-league third team lol.

SIXTH MAN: Artest was my supersub but oh lord he died on the offensive side of the ball. Ill give the nod to Calderon who filled in admirably the week my entire backcourt was injured

BIGGEST SURPRISE: How dead Artest was on the offensive side of the ball


TRADE/ACQUISITION OF THE YEAR: since it was agreed upon during the regular season it has to be the blockbuster Melo deal

REGRETS: None, tried to milk Melo's time in SA for all it was worth, cant say i didnt try
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Post by quady »


Jameer Nelson. Highest scoring volume year ever, slashed 48/89/44 which was actually a disappointment in efficiency. Final counting stats averages were 25 11 and 6, with 2.5 steals and half a block. I know I don't need to keep harping on it, but it's just insane how good Jameer is at this. Given CP's emergence, this might have been his last year as the best "true PG" in SLN. What a ride it's been.


Dwight Howard. 4 stocks a game, 12 and a half rebounds, all while almost exclusively playing the 4. I pretty often entertain the idea of trading Dwight and turning his contract into a wing and a cheaper big, but it would just torpedo our defense. This season I promise not to take you for granted, Dwight!


This is weird, but in terms of output, the answer is Shawn Marion. I made a concerted effort to make my team play faster last year and shoot more threes, and part of the result was excising Marion from the offensive strategy. He rewarded me by turning in his best shooting year ever at age 32, turning in a 19 and 8 average, slashing 48/86/43 with 2.5 stocks per turnover.


Mo Williams. I spent a decent amount of time two seasons ago with Rafer Alston as my backup PG (where he did quite well!), but realized at the end of the year that Mo had been even better. When Rafer retired, I got Mo back on the MLE and turned over the backup 1-2 for the season to him, and he responded beautifully. 12 ppg on 49/88/48 shooting, basically mirroring Jameer's PPP. If he cut his turnovers a bit, he'd really be dangerous.


My trio of Nuggets pickups. Fab gave me about 12 rebounds per 36, and almost 3 stocks per turnover and 3.7 per 36. Ime provided better shooting than I would have guessed with solid defense and good positional rebounding, beating out Eddie House and Mike Miller for minutes I was sure they'd earn. And Cuttino Mobley, before stabbing me in the back, had one of his best career shooting years slashing 49/92/51!!! as my number one option, with even steals and turnovers.


Getting knocked out in the first round of the playoffs by Dallas. I'm not going to complain about team health, because I think the Mavs had it worse than we did, but man, with Dirk going down, we had a real window there. It's tough to be the second best team over the course of the year only to draw a recently assembled super team, but thems the breaks. One of my more painful playoff defeats!


Turning a Caron Butler I could no longer afford and a future first into a starting PG, C, and backup SG/SF. It's a little bittersweet because each of those acquisitions expired and left us, two via FA and Cuttino via retirement, but they helped us to one of our best seasons as a franchise. The market was tepid enough on Butler that I was afraid I was going to have to salary dump him, so to effectively do so while actually upgrading the roster felt pretty nice. Also annoyingly, the space I was building by moving off of Butler was for Al Horford, who resigned on the cheap side, so perhaps I didn't need to jump through any of these hoops after all..


I had a nice season, got to bring back Cat, and enjoyed another very good year. I don't think I'd have done anything differently w/r/t team building, at least without knowing the future. Perhaps I should have tinkered more with my postseason DC. If we'd have squeaked out that home G7 against Dallas, I think we at least make the conference finals.

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